Allergy friendly baby spinach omellette

If you’re looking for a healthy and allergy-friendly breakfast, this recipe for baby spinach omelette is perfect for you! This omelette is ideal for people who are allergic to gluten, milk, or soy, and it’s also a great way to start the day with a nutritious meal. The recipe is simple and easy to make, and it only takes a few minutes to prepare. So, let’s get started!


2 eggs

1 tbsp water

1/8 tsp salt

1/8 tsp black pepper

1 cup fresh baby spinach leaves

1 tbsp olive oil


Crack the eggs into a bowl and add water, salt, and pepper. Whisk the mixture with a fork until the egg yolks and egg whites are well blended.

Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Add baby spinach leaves and cook for 1-2 minutes until they are wilted.

Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan and use a spatula to spread the mixture evenly over the spinach leaves. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the bottom of the omelette is golden brown.

Flip the omelette.

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