Halal Potato Pizza recipe

Potato pizza is a delicious and unique twist on the traditional pizza. It is a perfect way to enjoy the taste of pizza while incorporating the beloved potato into the mix. This pizza is a great option for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike, as it can be made with a variety of toppings to suit individual tastes. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to make a delicious potato pizza from scratch. Whether you are an experienced cook or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe is easy to follow and will result in a mouth-watering pizza that is sure to impress.


3 Potatoes grated
1 purple onion finely chopped
Mix together
Add 3 eggs , pinch of salt and mix well
Add 3 heaped tablespoons cornflour and mix

Pour oil in pan and load ¼ of mixture and fry on both sides.
Use a plate for each one after frying.

Chop spring onions
Peppers chopped
Grate 150g cheese
2 tablespoons mayonnaise or plain yoghurt
½ teaspoon crushed garlic and green chilli
Black pepper
Mix together

Slice 3 small tomatoes
Cheese slices

Now layer your potato cakes
Put 1st layer on baking pan – top with half spring onion mix – potato cake – top with sliced tomato and cheese slices – top with potato cake – spring onion mix – potato cake. Drizzle some cheese over.
Bake in oven 180 for 15 minutes

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