Halal Kung Pao Chicken

Kung Pao Chicken is one of the most popular Chinese dishes, and the list of Chinese food would be incomplete without it. It consists of a mixture of meat and vegetables in a spicy brown sauce made with ingredients such as soy sauce, red chili flakes, garlic, ginger, and rice wine. These ingredients give dried chili peppers a deep flavor, but Sichuan peppercorns do not hide their own flavor. This gives the dish a hint of numbing sensation that is typical of Sichuan.

Ingredients: Carrots and cucumbers, stir-fried with salt and chili pepper. Diced chicken, mushrooms, garlic, and ginger, stir-fried with oyster sauce. Peanuts mixed with cornstarch.


Marinate the chicken pieces with light soy sauce and cook them until tender with dark soy sauce.

Add mushrooms and continue to stir-fry for 20 seconds until they are firm but still tender.

Add diced carrots and cucumbers, and stir-fry for another 2 minutes.

After cooking, add peanuts to the wok pan while it is still on medium heat.

Add a little oyster sauce to the wok pan and continue to stir and mix.

Mix cornstarch with water in a bowl and pour it into the wok pan. Stir until it thickens and mix everything together.

The experience of this dish should be spicy, slightly sweet, and with a strong scent of Sichuan pepper. You can adjust the amount of chili sauce and sugar according to your own taste.

According to Islamic law, halal Chinese food should be made with fresh and natural ingredients. By using techniques and styles from other cultures, cooking techniques, spices, and foods can be made halal. As halal food inspections have developed in China, chefs in restaurants around the world have begun to make variations of the traditional Chinese dish known as Kung Pao Chicken. The Sichuan style traditionally has a large presence of dried, whole chilies and peanuts in chili sauce, which creates a flavor similarity to American Szechuan cuisine dishes like Kung Pao Chicken Bits, while providing an integrated spicy taste to chi main dishes. It was discovered to be a popular dish thanks to an American chef who traveled there and experienced it for himself.

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